Sunday, December 26, 2021

new york mistake

As I got the feedback about my paper, it brought feelings of nostalgia about something that happened to me in University in my hometown in Lethbridge, I had wrote a paper in the University’s Newspaper and this guy who read it basically said it wasn’t a proper review. I quit then but now i wasn’t going to do that. The paper was about a review of a play performance – he felt it should go beyond just what youre seeing in the play and rather should be about something else, something unique and significant that you saw about the characters, the plot, the setting, but it has to be greater than just those things. So not about character but how they dress and how that relates to what’s happening with the characters. I just quit then because I was weak, didn’t have the courage to do it, for fear he might criticize me again. But this discouragement, coming from my own paid work was not going to stop me! “Whats going on with your paper, hows it coming along?” a colleague asked me one day as I walked into work, full of anticipation of how the weekend went on it and excited to see what April would think of it. “It’s good,” I said, “it’s all I did for the weekend. Friday night I was so discouraged from it, I just watched Netflix with some popcorn and watched Downton Abbey, fell asleep, so it didn’t get touched that night, but when do I ever go out Friday nights anyway!?” The coworker April went on. “okay, so what happened for the rest of the weekend?” Well it was on how people use buying décor for their homes, including chairs, tables, couches, pillows and it's actually based on a paper I wrote in University. I thought it was a great idea because then you can appeal to a certain member of the audience who buys a lot of furniture, but since its really about criticizing those people because it states that we shouldn’t put our hope in ours possessions, the fulfillment won't last. The professor gave me an A but our boss Nathan said it wasn’t appropriate for here. “Ya well, we’e appealing to OUR audience, and they want to see the advantage, the value of purchasing material things so If you think that’s immoral you have to set that aside bc this is New York, it’s a different ballgame! People love buying stuff to show off to their friends and family, especially around now at Christmas." “Ya I get that, it just feels like I fell short, I should have known better because I know it's such a consumer culture here and it is in Canada too but way more here, you walk into J.C. Penny and people are fighting over who gets the last deal on a tv and that stuff just doesn’t happen in Canada, if you don’t get what you want you move on, but anyway here it is. I changed it up again and I think it’s better. “Good,” said Andrea, it just needed some tweeking, what else is new? That’s a writing career for you!

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