Saturday, July 17, 2021

Amy and New York move

Fight with Amy Crying my eyes out one day with Amy, telling her of all John had done with Sandra, I was not sure how I should break it to Amy everything I had gone through. Amy, I said, I am I love with someone who is in love with someone else. Except he says he’s not in love. How do you know? Uh…because someone told me online I said Sarah, you cant marry him, like you’ve told me several times What do you mean I cant marry him? Hes married Sarah, don’t you get it? I get it, but its not certain in my mind. I don’t know what happened. It could be nothing. I mean what if hes doing all of this with her because of me. He told me he did it all for me. That is not enough. Did he call you? Text you? Has he been in touch at all these last few years? Well no. He said as the wedding was taking place that he was just ‘having a good time with his friends.’ This is why I dont buy or believe anything you or anyone says. Sarah, anyone telling you to listen to them care about you in the now, in the real world while youre up on top of us, out of reality and in a perceptive world that is not even true. I know he said this stuff to you, but hes married now you said and you are single. Why cant you go on being with a normal and real man? You cant marry him, hes already taken. I will not give up, he’s everything I could hope for. And theres not a soul on the earth that could change my mind. And some friend you are, I need you right now and you are not even saying anything to make the situation better. I have to go. I never want to see you again! From Edmonton to New York My last talk with Amy led me to the realization that I had to move on somewhere, there was nothing here for me, there were not any hopes of friendships and relationships developing at all and now my heart was on broken pieces because my best friend would not stay on my side. Everyone was against me. How could I stay here.. So I started to look for jobs in New York until I found one I liked. All my hard work at the University through this mad storm I was going through, was my saving grace! I had something to take me to a place I LOVED and it would hopefully keep my eyes off of these personal problems I was having. So I looked up some print journalism jobs. There were lots but only a few of them caught my eye. There was an online newspaper hiring at a nearby school, not much money and only for a short period of time to take a temporary position. ‘That’s okay,’ I thought. A year is plenty of time to accomplish a lot at an online journalism job! So I applied. I did not have the qualifications as some candidates probably, but they liked my sample article writing from university and I was determined that I was right, that this was the job for me! It had to be. Right where I wanted to be, this job could be carried anywhere I wanted, and I would be writing on news stories happening on the University Campus. When the Editor in Chief called me after I applied, I was absolutely delighted in how the interview went but I guess you just never know what is going to happen. So I didn’t keep my hopes up for fear of failure. What would happen next changed my life forever and it was a resounding yes!!! He was so welcoming and positive about how he thought it would go for me. I guess their biggest proof of this was my writing samples. I had article about news events conducted by the chair of the school I was at, art shows at the school, an article on a particular sculpture, and different events being held at the school. “How did that go, the fundraiser you had covered, what was it for?” “We as a school like to give back to our community so we often have fundraisers for the students needing extra food and they are allowed to pick and choose what they need.. They come in to the school and take what they need from the booth being displayed at the bottom portion of the University.” “Great. Sounds great,” he said back and it was a done deal.

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