Tuesday, March 31, 2020

the book store

March 31, 2020 @ 130 pm So when he walked up to me one day when I was working at the bookstore, I could not have been prepared for what was to come. I thought that he was very calm and collected and ready for what he was going to face that day. He carried himself like he knew what he wanted and he was going after it. I simply feel this way because he’s a tall man and he walks with purpose and dignity. I was working at the front desk of the store and there he was, right there before me, as though nothing would stop him and as though nothing would stop me, a force, a power and a romantic feeling that could not be stopped. Why do I say such things when I hadn’t even talked to him in years, how could I know the reality of the situation as opposed to a situation that did not exist. It was as if heaven was right there bringing me everything i ever desired. He was dressed in a green sweater, which I got to say looked heavenly on him as in everything he ever wore. Im literally standing there going, “please come to my till, please come to my till!” I remember it like it was yesterday, as though all the times I thought of my list of things that I wanted in my husband, was standing right before my very eyes. “How are you doing today I would say? He would ask me the same. I kept thinking of what else to ask him, as my hands were shaking and I was running out of reasons to keep him here for any longer, so I said, “would you like a bag for that?” since this is what the store management was asking us to say and I got to say it was a brilliant closing remark of this amazing encounter. A smile goes a long way and so that was the very last thing that happened between us. I would think nothing of this episode of meeting John as boring, uneventful and dull. It is not much for sure, but it brought so much joy to have this young man standing before me, in my life. Handsome, pleasantly faced and without spot or wrinkle. “Thank you Lord for bringing this man into my life” was my only closing thought as he left with the bag in hand and though not a smile, a look of being pleasant was all over his face. What I would take home that day was a feeling of absolute love. You know that feeling when you meet the man of your dreams and he has just swept you off your feet and you are descending onto your bed with the biggest smile. Then comes the sigh of relief that all your dreams have unravelled before you and you have just been taken on a time machine to the time when you fell in love. That was our moment and this is the time machine moment that I am talking about here and now.

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