Sunday, July 24, 2022


After her meeting with Robert, she couldn’t help but that the people all around her were helping her to get over the past. In she went to work one day, only to find flowers and a note on her desk. And work was just one of those things. She was summoned to the boss’ office though so she thought she’d look at them later. When she got to Ron’s office, he had something to tell her. And this time it was good! Her last article had impressed him. “How did you come up with this idea in your article?”, “I could tell it was so researched that you got into the characters heads and the heads of the audience, its like you were one of them and your writing was as crisp as buns roasting on the upwards of a fire. I like that line, “Consumerism is fleeting, like friends that come and go, but feeding our interests we need NEVER FORGET”. “Thank you Ron. I just saw the audience as those people I wrote about in University who are like obssessed with having the best looking houses. I just thought we are only obsessed with consumerism to the extent that people like what we have and not necessarily about our own wellbeing. I thought that should be reversed and we have to not forgot about ourselves and how we see ourselves, not just how someone else sees us! This doesn’t mean we don’t care about other people and their preferences, but we should never be ruled by them. Know what I mean?” “That’s brilliant,” said Ron, “I want everyone of your projects in working for me to display this kind of instruction toward our audiences here in New York. I think it could really work. You should have a unique and special twist on it every time, but centre around building yourself, bettering and rewarding yourself through your consumerism, what you buy, what you extract from the world around you!” She agreed. This was such a universal truth that any viewer, any consumer would want to adopt for her audience. We always tell each other: love one another and that is divine. We love giving gifts, I mean other than Christmas time when we buy for our loved ones, we need to buy for others, but lets motivate our readers to keep uplifting themselves by being a consumer of their own needs.. Forget what people say, forget what they do, just focus on self so that you can truly be happy. We can get overwhelmed by trying to please everyone especially when it comes to those that judge you by your clothes, your furniture, your job. It is time to stand up for ourselves and be our own version of ourselves! This fits into the whole wellness, especially mental discourse, conversation, and lifestyle people are starting to accentuate these days. Let’s take care of our own bodies and life so we do not need to depend on others as much and when we don’t have them, we’re okay, because were working on ourselves the whole time! So back to the flowers on the desk, her desk, it was Robert of course! He was just saying come and hang for a date on Friday! Omg she was so in love. The past had still lingered her mind from the guy in Canada, but this new guy was helping her to get Over that!

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