Saturday, February 20, 2021

our love life started

So when I was in love with him, after a few of these amazing encounters, I knew he was the one. This was really the start of our love life. It was obvious it was reciprocated, it was apparent that I wasn't alone. All my fears had been relieved, my doubts cast to the ground of the bus we were both driving on. You can imagine now, seeing how much I loved him and wanted him, that leaving without very much information could make me mad and disappointed. I mean we had chemistry, tender-hearted love for each other! Michelle leaving with him, himself promising it would be nothing and that I wouldn’t be sad just sounded so naïve of him and disloyal to me! I’m not saying that he can't make his own decision, that he did not have the right to leave if he wanted it, I'm just saying it was all fabricated and if it is so that he wanted to do that to win my heart, then it should have been different than it was. First of all, it’s hurtful the way he did it! Leaving with another woman, and just letting me know what was going on is not what you do when you love a woman. He should have asked for my opinion, made me feel at ease and ready for it. Instead, he just took off and told me “what was going to happen!” So I saw him on the bus that one day! It was the most magical thing, I was on cloud nine when I saw him there. I was sitting down and he jumps on! Remember this was also the first time I had seen him in public since he left me three years ago in the house parking lot, where we had met at someone’s house for a church meeting. I was actually quite resolved to accept him, I wasn’t mad, maybe I could have forgiven him more because I was still kind of disappointed in what he had done. But when I saw him, all those worries disappeared. Seeing him was like a breath of fresh air. He pulled out his backpack and hugged it. What do you think that means? It means he was showing me that they truly were just having fun and we were all on this adventure. I sighed a big sigh inside of relief and many years of hoping had been quieted inside of me. I know what you are thinking, that I'm crazy, I didn’t say anything to him, I didn’t talk to him, I just left saying, “thank you.” How could I be so senseless or have no brain at all to let a guy go like that, whom I profess to love so much that I'm angry about his decisions with Michelle, that after three years and all the garbage that came with it, I still love him! You’re crazy girl! But my heart was racing, my feet were shaking, you know the way women lift up their boots when they’re not really impressed with their love's behaviour, which for me meant that, yes, I was a little upset and that he better get this right! I loved him so much then and the way I felt was that I was sitting on the same moving vehicle as him, that I was so close to him, to see his hair, face and tall, slim body. Don’t worry babe, I love you, I was saying to him, I hear you and we will soon be as one. I was simply sitting and standing on the ground of two Christian people who are going to get married one day. I love him to the moon.

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