Saturday, April 3, 2021

coffee meeting

But as I have told you, I had nothing in my life that could prepare me for this! I sat down in my spot next to a man who would take my spot and I went up to ask him what he was up to and if I could sit down,… He said, “have a seat.” I love it when men ask me to sit down, you know, it's kind of a very nice way of saying they want and accept you so I thought that was a very nice gesture. He was holding a newspaper detailing the current events of the world like terrorist attacks, the controversial balloting of the US elections and all the ways and endeavours by which women are still trying to overcome men in the business world that they should get equal pay for equal work. So I brought up that he was reading this and he just saying “uh hu” and “uh huh,” he didn’t really care I guess. But as I was taking my last sip I guess he noticed because he asked for my name and said, “maybe I'll see you back here one day! I am always here. I’m sorry I wasn’t much company today." “That’s okay” I said, “I just sort of invite myself over here because this is where I usually sit. And I saw you sitting there and so that is why I came up to you.” “Oh well I always sit here too so I guess we can call it a date today and another time, next time I see you.” “Oh I don’t go on dates at Starbucks.” “Why not?” said the man, “it’s fun times.” “I guess so, I just got out of a breakup and I don’t want a date right now.” “Okay well, if you change your mind, meet me tomorrow at this time, will you be free?” And I walked away. I love it when men are persistent, even when I’m not but that is a man’s prerogative. They're suppose to be the go-getters, the chasers, they love the conquest of a woman, which I actually don’t think is a problem, because it means they want you and are willing to fight in a battle for me. The battle for your heart, so I usually just do what I feel. If I'm feeling down, discouraged about a man, I just act like myself and if they truly want me they’ll keep pursuing me, no matter what I do. I feel like men are suppose to lead and women follow. I know there a few feminists out there that don’t agree but look at me from my perspective, men carry the weight of the relationship, when things are tough, they life you up and bring you to a place of peace and serenity when you follow. And that’s what I love about him. I didn’t say anything back because after the first meeting with him, I could feel myself desiring and wanting him but I just wasn’t sure, he sort acted like he didn’t care at first so I thought I would just give him another chance to prove his affection and desire for me. But I knew he's everything.

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