Monday, April 5, 2021

the article

That was the end of that conversation! Sandra didn’t know what else to say except to reiterate what she had just said to me! “She was right” I thought. What is apparent with critics is that they are always criticizing from their standpoint. Although right, I found the actor very mean and rude to be talking so harshly with me; sure, he was frustrated and I understand that but people do not have to take their aggression from the past out on me. After talking to my roommate, I was determined to do better. I could write an amazing article and prove him wrong, that I actually can turn things around and present a very interesting and relevant article! It was my dream since I was a child, to write, to write lots of information about life, the world and how I feel about it and this was my opportunity to turn it around. This was just one hurdle I had to overcome and I knew I could. That article was done but I could represent this company in a very positive way by showing the University just how talented I was. Writing about a play was going to be available to me down the road and while I waited for that, I would get to work the next morning on something else! Sitting at my desk the next morning, my pen and paper to jot down my ideas was on my right and my fingers were busy typing on the computer! “A man meets a girl in Central Park and relationship develops through the help of their dogs.” This was the title of my next project! Two people, a woman and a man, who love enjoying the outdoors and walking, find themselves talking on a bench, having discussions about their dogs. Bases on the research I gathered, it sounded like the pair had similarities between each other as well. They both loved cooking, different cultures, and activities like swimming, skating and enjoying the wilderness, the outdoors! Walking up to each other at the park, as both were walking their dogs, they saw the bench on which they both would sit. “Oh hello,” said the man named Ben, “how are you doing today, I just noticed you sitting here and I needed a rest too, so if you don’t mind…”. “Not at all,” said the lady named Serena. “This is Emma, what is your dog's name?” said the lady. “He happens to be Rover.” And the pair talked repeatedly about all they could about their dogs and each other and soon found they were a lot alike. They were single, living on their own, and looking for a life with which they could enjoy their dogs while still enjoying life as a couple. He was a vet, she was a teacher. Their lives just seemed to complement each other and since they were talking and getting along so well, she was determined to give it a try! “I would love to get to know you more over supper,” she said, after he asked her on a date and soon enough he was holding her hand and meeting her for supper that evening!"

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