Friday, June 19, 2020

train to italy!

Situated just minutes before the train had to get going on those rusty tracks, John was letting me put my luggage on the train. As the bell was going to go off any minute now, we had ten minutes to go. The driver was getting himself mobilized, the passengers were beginning to flow in because we were so close to departure. You always get those last few passengers come in so close to the start time. As I am about to board I say: I love you honey , I will always be true to you. Yes, honey, me too! I know its going to be a long time since I see you but you can come see me half way (it was going to be 6 months total) “Oh honey I will call you asap and we will call each other like all the time.” We say our goodbyes and we both think its reassuring that we will see each other in three months. “Call me as soon as you get in” he says to me and I go on saying: I will. Darling, I love you. Always have and always will. You are my prince charming, the one my heart loves, lover of my soul and I love you with everything I am. I never doubted you u hv always been the love of my life. I know that you hv said too that you loved me upon first meeting me. (I don’t blame you either!). honey, I feel the same, we are one because we love each other with the same commitment and passion. It’s like our hearts were made for each other (he keeps saying this too!) I will hold onto that while im here. I don’t know why I have to leave this way but I really want to make this trip and so I hope youre ok with it. So we said our goodbyes with a most passionate kiss there before i left as well. He touches my ‘beautiful hands’ (as he calls them)! He goes on: “You will be my wife! You are my wife.” To which I say, “Yes, always!”, I pause for a second as he strokes my hair and face. “You are my everything I promise you that.” And so I board as I lean into a final kiss and I am about to cry tears of sadness as I leave my hubby to be for the first time in years. I sit down in my seat and all I could think about was John. This was not me, us going backwards, we were going forwards. I was taking some time to focus on me before we get married. We have been together 8 years and not once have I done anything on my list of things that I really want to do in my life. So this was a personal visit, maybe wander the vineyards and see a huge tray of pizza at the local pizza place!

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