Friday, April 17, 2020

Dan, the man

I had two boyfriends in the years that I was away from John. And I had a couple of men that became close to me but never ventured quite that far. I don’t really know why because I was never the type to have a boyfriend so that was my high for a while. I know the reader may be shocked by this considering my history, but that is the truth. Anyways, these two relationships did not last long. I have never seen myself so excited to be in a relationship as when I met dan. He was tall, had dark hair but not the greatest looking guy. He played squash and I really like that only because I think they do themselves a favour by staying busy and occupied with outdoor activities. I guess it’s like a replacement to doing other pointless activities that you could do in the house or spend time doing things you shouldn’t otherwise do. I know video games are considered a good use of time these days to some, but I prefer men who participate in physical activities outside. Anyways, back to dan, he was officially my first boyfriend after John left. I think he could have done anything with his life because I think he could have accomplished anything but he went into public health. He would make a superb health inspector. But one day he walked into my life at a time I didn’t expect any man to ask for my number. I was having so much fun except that I couldn’t keep John off of my mind and this relationship helped me get to a place of letting go. I would never let him go completely but dan took all my rejection away and healed me to the core of all my negative emotion toward John. So he asked me for my number and that night my life changed forever.He said, “hi, my name is dan”, I said hi back because I just was thinking I don’t want to deal with this right now! I didn’t want to get involved with a man but after three years with no John and not knowing when I would see him again and hold him or kiss him for the first time, I gave into the charms of one man whom stopped my life and his life for a temporary pause. He was sincere, he was persistent and he convinced me that I should take his number and give him a try. Well I said, ”why do you want to give me your number? Of all the girls here you’ve chosen me and I want to know why”, and you can tell, I was giving him a hard time. I wanted to see him fight for me, wanted to see him want me because I was in a place where no one had really done that for me, I needed that! He exuded confidence that was like a power that took over me and took all my regrets and pain of John leaving. Anyway, he continued. “Because I love the way you dance and I think you’re an attractive woman.” Well, because I was about to leave and feeling tired, I told him I’d consider giving him a call. That was it! Simple. And that night would put a great smile on my face as I finally felt like I had what I was looking for, someone who genuinely wants me. Dan was officially my boyfriend.

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