Saturday, April 4, 2020

meeting john after 8 years

So why did you leave the way you did? Asked Sheryl, looking at John in the eyes as she walked toward him for the first time in 8 years. “I did not know how you felt and with everything going on in my life as well, I had just got out of a painful relationship and did not want to burden with my past,” he said. Well it turns out that I felt the same way. And this part of our relationship has already been mentioned, how my husband-to-be left so I will not dwell on that but I got to say it felt like heaven to see ‘em! “How are you doing Sheryl, it’s been a long time and I would love to hear it?!” said my John. “I am quite good, I have missed you but you were always on my mind, every second of every day; I am good now that you’re here. How about you John, what are you up to these days?” “I’m going into medicine, just doing a couple of courses to prepare myself for it.” “I gotta say I was not expecting the doctor’s thing but that is so awesome” and we went on and on talking about our lives and what had brought us together, here right now. Right before we left each other, knowing that I was going into education, he told me to be careful that I get my application in on time. “I just want to say that I am not mad at you and I have been in the past, but all that has changed now; and I don’t want you to have like this negative cloud hanging over your face so please don’t worry about it. Even while I was mad, I still loved and wanted you so you should not be fearful of anything.” “Okay,” said John, “I love you.” And of course I said, “same, what I always say about you.” “Love you and cant wait to do all kinds of fun things with you.” I said. “What do you want to do,” said John…to be continued… And on we went, hands together and smiling away as we just basked in the arms of each other, my hands around his neck. Caressing his chest, to show my undying love for him, and I began to tell him, “Oh John, how I have missed you and I am so glad that you here with me. When I think of what could have happened between us, and similarly what didn’t, I am so very happy with what happened some 8 years ago”, Sheryl said to him. “You know it was all for you” he answered as she contemplated everything that had happened, she goes on, “I longed for you so many times, and if it weren’t for the books I was reading and the absolute generosity of people’s encouragement, I may have fallen apart!” ‘Yes, but you know I have been by your side and in love with you for all those years” he said “And you did not see any other woman as a potential love in all those years, my love, just to put that out there?” “I never loved a soul as I did then and do now and continue to as we get to know each other and spend time together, as years go by,” said he. “Honey, I think it was the hardest part to see so many couples in front of me and never being able to share and express our love to each other, between you and I. What do you think about that?" “I feel the same way, I wanted and loved you just as much as you did for me; and I do not want to leave in the same way that you do not want to leave,” he said back. Let us go to the park and see if we can have a nice stroll,” said John. After the stroll in the park, we decided to go out for lunch, and all the years we were separate I stumbled upon a restaurant called “the hidden restaurant” and I always imagined us going there as I walked by it some two or three times before. It seemed perfect for us, with the same feeling of being separate from the world because it was quite secretive looking. The drapes of the window were covering it though not completely and the way the building for the restaurant was situated made it kind of pushed back so it was quite hard to notice it there. Nevertheless, I did remember this restaurant and wanted him to take me to it sometime we were back in town. And so we went there! It’s not like this scene of the restaurant is necessarily showing that we were so oblivious to what was going on at the time we were in love, and we were always in love. The restaurant as hidden in its title etcetera, does not necessarily mean that we were out of reality or not understanding what was really going on, but she chose to believe this love was being protected, saved and thereby hidden from the world while we are separated. We had talked about this a lot over the years, that we were very glad no one sort of came between us, getting in the way of our love for each other. “Can you imagine, as bad as that interference is today, how bad it would be if we didn’t have the freedoms that we're dealing with now?” and he agreed with her, saying, “Yes, I do like the way that turned out!”…

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